App pages / Forms of organisation

Pages that I need to design in order to have a fully designed app concept:



  1. Welcome page/ login page
  2. 4 pages that are interlinked that separate the different parts of the app e.g. volunteering and crowdfunding
  3. Checkout page/ basket
  4. Personal profile
  5. Calendar
  6. A form of navigation that allows the user to switch between one side of the app and another – take inspiration from perhaps the menu seen on spotify?


  1. Search page
  2. Categorisation
  3. Individual organisation pages


  1. Search page
  2. Categorisation
  3. Individual organisation pages
  4. Volunteering page// how to contact the organisation page directly to volunteer
  5. Reward page for volunteering

Council communication 

  1. Search page
  2.  Select council
  3. About page for council
  4. Page to show communication of user to council


Education program 

  1. Search page
  2. Selection page
  3. Individual page to show information about the education program

Week 4

Revised specifics of Contribute:

  • A service/ app
  • Allows users to donate/ crowdfund non-profit organisations and their projects
  • Allow users to sign up and volunteer to local non-profits and events
  • Allow verified users to set up their own organisations, projects and events
  • Create a forum that allows communication between citizen and local council
  • Free education program – could be used by homeless people


Problems that validate my idea as a form of a resolution:

  • There isn’t an environment that allows the growth of active citizenship through contribution to a community
  • There’s a need for a more easy form of communication between citizen and local council

Proposal Form

Working Title: Contribute

What is the intended idea / concept behind the proposed project?

My idea is taken from the category, Active Citizenship from the European Youth Awards. The basic idea is to allow users to contribute and find different ways of interacting with society that’s beneficial for those who require help, e.g. non-profit projects requiring funding or volunteers.


The concept behind the project is that it allows users to contribute to non-profit organisations through two different methods. One method will be a crowdfunding service specifically directed at non-profit companies and charities. The second method will be a volunteer service where users can search for a local organization, sign up and then proceed to apply to volunteer for said organization.

Justify the idea/ concept in terms of the needs for its existence (if purely for entertainment, state this and how the output will be innovative/ original and creative) 

The idea behind the project is that it allows individuals to contribute to their local communities through two main methods; donations and volunteering. This allows the individual/ user to contribute to their community easily.


The idea behind collaborating these two separate ideas is that it maximizes the potential success of the service. Through research there is a current lack in the market where these two types of supporting a community/ non-profits does not exist. Both separate services exist in their own markets, but none with any major success or notable worth.


Therefore, this justifies my idea to connect the two in order to create a service that allows the synergy between both of the good natured actions that can be taken by individuals. The service fits in the category of active citizenship because the user has the two options in order to support and improve the community that they are surrounded in.

Describe the intended audience: 

The intended audience would be 18+ of both genders, with disposable income. This is due to the requirement age of those in order to volunteer.


Furthermore, the audience in question must have a disposable income, this is to encourage them to donate to non-profits. Therefore, the crowdfunding side of the app relies upon the target audience having a disposable income to be successful.


How will this project extend your or your team’s creative and technical skills? 

This project’s output will be focused on an app styled service. The targets for this project are to create an extensive adobe XD project and infographic. This would allow me to work on my Adobe XD skills and design skills from using Adobe Illustrator. The project will enable me to develop my design skills in a multitude of ways through layout, type, colour and many other aspects that form general design.

Outline how the practical work will be carried out by you/ the team (division of labour) and the time- scales involved for each task: 

The practical work will be divided into3 stages of production.


– Will take place from week 1-3

– This will involve the initial planning stages and research into various areas such as market and target audience

Production stage:

– Will take place week 4-11

-This will involve the main production of the project and any development that can be made into the concept, idea and final output.


-Will take place week 12

– This week will allow for a reflection period for any last minute changes to be made, and  to make sure the project is ready for submission.


What other work (by animators, designers, film-makers, writers, digital media producers, etc). is relevant to your project? (This work may either be relevant for its conceptual or technical similarity. 

Work that is relevant to my project is mainly designers of apps, websites and infographics. This varies from the main bulk being app designers, but also explores the idea of typography, colour, and layout in order for the app/service to be visually pleasing.

List any critical texts that are relevant to your conceptual intentions: 


-Design basics by Joyce Kaye

-Graphic Design by Adrian Shaughnessy

-Effective website development tools and techniques by Keith Darlington



-The present and future of crowdfunding by Valentina Assesnova

– What goes around comes around- rewards as strategic assets in crowdfunding by Cariana Thürridl

– Qiu, C. (2013) ‘Issues in Crowdfunding: Theoretical and empirical investigation on Kickstarter’. Available from

–  de Witt, N. (2012) A Kickstarter’s guide to Kickstarter: How to successfully fund your creative. Available at: